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Mental Health & Stress Management Counsellor/Quantum Biofeedback Practitioner
What is Quantum Biofeedback and How Can It Help Me?
Every cell, organ, meridian, and emotion has a characteristic electromagnetic signature. Illness can start as an energetic disturbance, which can be detected by the QUEX-ED. The body’s subtle energy system is an early warning system. Imbalances in the body’s subtle energies show up much earlier than overt physical disease.
How often have you complained of symptoms, for which all the tests come back normal? By the time blood tests and X-rays reveal abnormalities, the disease process may be quite far advanced. Healing can often only be addressed by harmonizing subtle energies.
All aspects of our lives [physical health and illness, emotions, thoughts] operate according to the laws of quantum physics. We can now all have access to the power of energetic healing, combined with ancient wisdom and modern technology.
What does the QUEX-ED do?
The QUEX-ED is a computerized system that both tests and balances the body at a subtle energy level. It integrates the sciences of mathematics, quantum physics, fractal dynamics, subspace theory, electronics, and computer programming. The therapies include the following modalities: naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, energetic medicine, psychology, aromatherapy, reflexology, color therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, biofeedback and Rife Resonator. It also incorporates knowledge of metaphysical subjects to bring a unique synergistic perspective to natural healing.
The QUEX-ED measures the unconsciousness of the client and provides an interface between the conscious and unconscious minds. The unconscious monitors the total complexity of current and past life experiences. Since the conscious mind is aware of only a tiny fraction of this totality of exposure, it is therefore not a reliable source of information on life or disease.
The device gathers bio-energetic data from the body via fifty-five parameters simultaneously. This happens at biological speed, which is 1/100th second for each stimulus. This means that thousands of items can be screened for reaction from the body in a few minutes.
QUEX-ED Detects:
Allergens, Emotions, Meridians, Amino Acids, Fatty EEG, ECGMinerals, Animal Dis-eases, Flower Essences, Muscles, Aromatherapy Oils, Foods, Organ Sarcodes, Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Blood Chemistry, Geopathic Stress, Psychic Energies, Bones, Herbs, Prions, Candida, Homeopathic: Isodes, Nosodes, Classical, Combination; Spiritual Energies, Chakras, Toxins, Chromosomes, Urine Chemistry, Dental Dis-eases & Products, Venoms, Digestion, Hormones, Viruses, Dis-eases, Ligaments, Vitamins, Drugs, Miasmas, Worms, EEG, ECG, Brain Wave…and more.
In addition, the QUEX-ED has the capacity to deliver corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well-being. This includes locating and unblocking the flow of energy, zapping pathogens, biofeedback, stimulating repair processes, stimulating detoxification, desensitizing allergies, reducing stress, balancing emotions, balancing chakras, and more.
Imbalances at the energetic or subtle energy level can be an early warning system regarding health status. If imbalances go uncorrected, eventually physical symptoms will erupt, and health problems and diseases develop. As well as being an early system of prevention, keeping the subtle energies balanced helps to restore physical energy.
The QUEX-ED communicates with the body to determine what energy imbalances are most affecting personal health; physical, mental, and emotional concerns. It is calibrated to measure the body’s subtle reactions to a database of biological, psychological, and medical items in electromagnetic form. The sensitivity is set so finely that it picks up the earliest sign of dis-ease [see Integrative Medicine] and distress. The information is then prioritized to help the practitioner zero in on the body’s current specific needs. The program offers information specific to subtle energies – emotional and mental stresses, nutritional needs, toxins, food sensitivities, digestive and elimination needs, etc. The values shown represent an 85% probability that the body has reacted to that particular signal.
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